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Venture Suisse is based in the heart of Switzerland. We are in the process of setting up a risk-adjusted investment vehicle with a diversified theme-based approach.


Our structure will be highly regulated and compliant with the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD).


We consider behavioural finance as one of the strongest arguments for the possibility of successful active management. Thanks to Shiller (Nobel laureate 2013) we know, that the market is not efficient and often mispriced.


If anything is predictable, it’s the fact, that human beings are predictably irrational and unpredictable.


We will pursue an active management style, using an agile and dynamic investment approach to take advantage of new trends and themes across the marketplace covering both public and private markets.

With a diverse range of expertise in venture capital, finance, and strategy consulting, our investment team will be dedicated to identifying and nurturing high-potential companies. We will leverage our collective experience to make strategic investment decisions and provide ongoing support to maximize the success of our portfolio companies.

Our investment team will be established as an independent centre of excellence. We will combine portfolio expertise with deep understanding of financial markets and emerging technologies.

Our strategic advisors will play a crucial role in both the pre-investment and post-investment phases. The world-class expertise of each advisor is key in enhancing the value, direction, and prospects of our intended investments. They will assist us to identify emerging trends or shifts within their domain, ensuring that we are always ahead of the curve when making investment decisions.

We will work closely together with key market players in order to get global outreach, invest with the best and have access to unique deal-flow.

© Venture Suisse 

This website does not constitute an offering and any materials presented herein are for informational purposes only.

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